How to Add Some Width to Your Vocals

Well hey there!

This week in the Two Minute Mix Tips world is a simple way to widen your vocals and help them take up more “sonic space” in the mix.  Have a look!

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On to this week’s 2MMT video!



3xJeffro is a recovering gear-aholic who spends somewhere between 2 and 300 hours per week mixing music. Going strong in the studio world since 1999, he loves long walks on the beach, baskets full of puppies, and writing in the 3rd person. Shoot him an e-mail anytime.

One thought on “How to Add Some Width to Your Vocals

  1. a:hover { color: red; } a { text-decoration: none; color: #0088cc; } a.primaryactionlink:link, a.primaryactionlink:visited { background-color: #2585B2; color: #fff; } a.primaryactionlink:hover, a.primaryactionlink:active { background-color: #11729E !important; color: #fff !important; }

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    awesome, love it! I think I read it already on your blog, but your 2MMT concept is rocking!!! have a great weekend.


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